Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009

D-Vine Pet Design - $35.00 gift cert.
PETSMART donating - (2) Daycare Certificates, (2) Boarding certificates.
INSTY-PRINTS Downtown - 2 sets of address labels w/pets if possible
KozyKritters - 3 day boarding package
ScratchandSniff Photo - photo package
The Coyote Wore Sideburns Salon - Salon services certificates
Tucson Dodge - (2) complete oil changes
Vaccination Station - 1 FREE microchipping of your animal
Kitty Kat basket - to the Max,
Large Dog gift pack - Food, bowl, collar and lead, toy **Thanks SAFE
Puppy dog gift pack- Food, bowl, calendar, 2 toys **Thanks DiAnne
Garvin's pet training - $100.00 of training package (does not include snake avoidance)
Digital Camera - estimated value $70.00+
TICKETS ARE $1.00 EACH, 6 FOR $5.00 OR 12 FOR $10.00 **CASH ONLY** You do not have to be present to win.
100% of the proceeds from the sale of the tickets go into the food fund, Sue from Second Chances will be the one
to purchase the food, and we will deliver it to the 5 Rescues that will be attending this particular Adopt-a-thon on Sept 27th
She was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road.

Here he brought her food and attended to her with love and compassion.

He brought her food again but was shocked to find her dead.
He tried to move her ... A rarely-seen effort for swallows!
Aware that his sweetheart is dead and will never come back to him again, he cries with adoring love.

He stood beside her, saddened of her death.
Finally aware she would never return to him, he stood beside her body with sadness and sorrow..
A lot of people cried after seeing these photos in America and Europe and even India.
The photographer sold these pictures for a nominal fee to the most famous
newspaper in France.
All copies of that edition were sold out on the day these pictures were published.
And many people think animals don't have a brain or feelings?????
You have just witnessed Love and Sorrow ... felt by God's creatures.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Emergency, Kittens being tortured & murdered!

I have attached a picture of Junior. Please look at this poor kitten. Jacque, SAFE Animal Director
Help us save as many as we can…
This week SAFE got a call for help and stepped up to the challenge when no one else would.
An angel named Fawn explained to us that cats and kittens of all ages were been tortured and brutally killed in her mobile home park. Fawn lives on social security and has been paying to get these cats spayed and vaccinated, all out of her own pocket. She has found quite a few dead cats/kittens around the mobile home park: one in the dryer, others shot by paint guns and one pregnant momma cat killed by what she called a marble gun. She knows people in the park are doing these horrible crimes and that they will not stop. She said she called TV stations, newspapers, PACC, the Humane Society, and many other rescue groups. Jacque, our director at SAFE, is the only one to call her back.
SAFE is trying to get as many cats/kittens out of there as we can.
Fawn found an injured kitten and was praying for financial help to take it to the vet. The only group that would help her financially (Jacque called them and asked for their help) only does it on a loan basis - she has to pay them back. She took the kitten (Junior-an 11 week grey/black tabby) into Santa Cruz Animal Hospital, they don't know what is wrong and are keeping him to provide antibiotics and IV fluids. Junior has to leave by TODAY (Saturday), whether he is improving or not - that is the only financial guaranty for payment the other group will allow.
We reassured Fawn we would try to get as many donations as possible for Junior’s medical expenses. SAFE has picked up Junior and we are continuing to provide the medical care he needs. It is long term and still ify at the moment. He is eating, drinking and trying very hard. He is very wobbly on his feet at this time.
In addition to Junior, there are probably 20 cats/kittens that need to get out of this nightmarish situation. Obviously SAFE can't take them all but we want to help as many as possible. A lot of the females have been spayed, but none of the males have been neutered. These are not wild feral cats, just cats/kittens that were abandoned by their families and left to fend for themselves. Fawn has been an angel to these poor cats is feeding them all and trying to keep them healthy. We want to show her that we care and so does the community. Please help us give Fawn and these babies a little hope and faith when they need it most. Any little bit helps and no donation is too small. Send donations to SAFE, 3661 N Campbell Ave #220, Tucson, AZ 85719. Please mark it for trailer park kitties.
Thank you for taking the time to read this story and for helping us save lives!
The volunteers/animal lovers of SAFE Animal Rescue